Setting-In is a company designed to help soothe and facilitate the moving and adjusting of executives transferred to São Paulo and nearly all major cities in Brazil.

Programação de Visita – Orientation

The main goal of the Orientation Program goes way beyond a mere city-tour. The visits to the several different neighborhoods, schools, shopping malls, hospitals, grocery store, clubs, entertaining centers are always guided and come along with information designed to help the visitor to understand the culture, way of life, cost of living, as well as the positive and negative aspects, the advantages and disadvantages that will be faced when moving to a new city.

This makes the him/her fell more confident during the process of decision making.

Programação de Procura do Imóvel – Home Finding

Based on the contacts with several real estate agencies, Settling-In offers a wide selection of homes for the client´s choice. The criteria adopted for the selection are based on previously determined requirements and supplemented by the school location and working premises.

After selecting a property, the process is followed by a careful analysis of the rental agreement, the inspection report and the supervision at keys delivery date.

Programação Pós-Mudança - Settling-In

After the rental or purchase of the property, Settling-In will assist in hiring services that may be necessary, such as: fine cleaning, temporary rentals, the purchase and installation of household appliances and furniture, cable, internet, electricity, gas connections, etc.

Programação de Saída do Imóvel – Departure Services

Settling-In handles the bureaucratic formalities involved to return the property to its owner at the time tenant moves out. This includes hiring and following up repairs, painting, cleaning and assistance in cancelling utilities contracts.

Property Management

Settling-In will manage all the aspects between tenant/landlord during the lease timeframe, as well as providing property rent, management fees, city taxes and utilities bills payments.

Documentos e Vistos - Immigration

Through partnerships with specialized offices, Settling-In organizes the formalities to obtain visas and local documents such as CNH, (Driver´s License), RNE (ID card) CPF (taxpayer ID card) etc.

Mudanças Locais (Group Moves)

Settling-In assists companies that are moving its plant to another city/state within Brazil.

For some laborers and employees, the compulsory migration might not be welcome.

That is when Settling-In establishes inside the actual plant a resource center, with the presence of a consultant, to listen and clarify laborers doubts and concerns, making it easier to take decisions and adjust to the new location.

The assistance starts before the move, still in the current plant and only ends when the families are properly settled in their new homes.

Desenvolvimento Novas Localidades - New Area Development

Assistance for companies that are going to be established in any region within Brazil.

We go to the city, train counselors, collect all relevant information about the location, that will be turned into a city guide.

It is important to mention that all the operation will be conducted by São Paulo office, just the onsite assistance will be provided by the local counselors.

Treinamentos - Workshops

Cultural – Cross Cultural Training
Individual or in group, Settling -In will conduct a lecture where cultural, socioeconomic and habit aspects are addressed, aiming a better social and professional interaction.

Segurança – Security
Lectures with security experts, whose objective is to ensure that the transferee receives correct information / statistics on the subject and tips on how to minimize risks.

Brazilian Executives Relocation

Brazilian executives and their families will be able to enjoy the same assistance in several countries all over the world, through partnerships with international relocation companies.


Through multilingual and individual assistance, Settling-In provides orientation and intermediation services related to cultural aspects, housing, documentation, contacts with schools, shopping facilities, clubs, professionals and technicians. In this way, the moving process becomes faster and less stressful.

Thanks to international partnerships, Brazilian executives and their families will also be able to count on the same assistance when transferred to other countries.


Settling-In respects the needs that are unique to each individual, provides a customized assistance, which, combined with ethics and care, establishes a relationship of confidence and trust in its undertakings.

Settling-In has held on to this philosophy since its foundation and for this reason is constantly recognized and recommended by its clients.



Marilena Kazlauskas de Britto

Brazilian, with a Bachelor degree in Languages, Translator and Interpreter (Portuguese, English / German).

Former executive secretary, former translator from English and German to Portuguese. Portuguese teacher for foreigners, working with multinational companies. The contact with the students triggered and helped the analysis of the difficulties and challenges faced in the process of adjusting to a new reality, and the need for a relocation company.

In visits to different countries (United States, Australia, China, Singapore, Baltic and European countries), got the opportunity to exchange experiences with relocation and real estate companies, providing her with a greater understanding of the differences in the way those markets operate and, consequently, the expectations of its customers.

Judy Sennitt

Australian, lived in São Paulo when her husband relocated to a multinational company.

The Sennitts had the opportunity to live in different countries and continents. The experience they acquired with their relocation and adjusting processes determined Settling-In working guidelines.


Major clients that had been assisted by Settling-In

•AES Eletropaulo
•Johnson & Johnson
•Philips do Brasil
•National Starch
•Procter & Gamble
•Rohm & Hass

Relocation company for expatriates moving to Brazil. Marilena Britto and her former student, Judy Sennitt founded the company in October 1984.




+55 (11) 3761-6070
+55 (11) 99982-5590 (WhatsApp)